How to Reduce Puffiness Naturally: The Power of 111 Affirmations

how to reduce puffiness

Puffiness is a common issue that affects many people. There can be many reasons with a variety of factors, including allergies, stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet. But how to reduce puffiness naturally? You are surely getting the answer today! That’s not it; you will get so much knowledge to help you literally get results and reduce puffiness in as little as one day.

Affirmations are the answers, but it can be easier to use subliminal affirmation audio instead of repeating just affirmations. Loa Lab subliminal channel have made subliminal for reducing puffiness; you can also try it.

Must read: The Science of Subliminal Messages

New data from a study published in the journal of advertisingSharon E. Beatty & Del I. Hawkins (1989) Subliminal Stimulation: Some New Data and Interpretation, Journal of Advertising, 18:3, 4-8, DOI: 10.1080/00913367.1989.10673156 confirms that subliminal messages can influence behaviour significantly. For us, it means we can definitely benefit more from using subliminal affirmations compared to regular affirmations.

Why bother reducing puffiness?

Puffiness can be particularly noticeable in the face, and sometimes the body can also get affected. It can start appearing as if you’ve gained weight or look swollen, making you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are natural ways to reduce puffiness, including the power of affirmations.

Puffiness is a condition where an area of the body swells up, usually due to excess fluid. Puffiness can occur anywhere on the body, but it is most commonly seen in the face, especially around the eyes. There are many reasons why puffiness can occur, including allergies, lack of sleep, stress, and poor diet. Reducing puffiness is important for both physical and mental health, as it can improve self-confidence and reduce discomfort.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are usually positive and belief-affirming sentences, and they can help you change your mindset and overcome negative thoughts and emotions. Affirmations are often used in meditation and yoga practices, and they can also be used in daily life to help reduce stress and anxiety.

The connection between affirmations and puffiness reduction

Affirmations can help reduce puffiness by addressing the underlying causes of the condition. For example, stress and lack of sleep can both contribute to puffiness, and affirmations can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Additionally, affirmations can help boost self-confidence and improve body image, which can reduce feelings of self-consciousness about puffiness.

The science behind affirmations and puffiness reduction is not well understood, but some studies have suggested that affirmations can have a positive effect on the brain and body. For example, a study published in the Sage JournalCreswell, J. D., Welch, W. T., Taylor, S. E., Sherman, D. K., Gruenewald, T. L., & Mann, T. (2005). Affirmation of Personal Values Buffers Neuroendocrine and Psychological Stress Responses. Psychological Science, 16(11), 846–851. suggests that affirmations can reduce the cortisol levels in the body, which is a hormone associated with stress.

How To Reduce Puffiness Using Affirmations

Practicing affirmations for puffiness reduction is a simple process that can be done daily. Here are some tips for getting started:

Creating a daily routine

Creating a daily routine for practicing affirmations is important to ensure consistency and effectiveness. Choose a time of day when you can focus on the affirmations without distractions.

Choosing the right affirmations

Choosing the right affirmations is important for achieving the desired results. Choose affirmations that address the specific causes of puffiness, such as stress, lack of sleep, or poor diet.

Writing affirmations

Writing affirmations down can help reinforce them in your mind. Write the affirmations down in a journal or on sticky notes and put them in places where you will see them often.

Speaking affirmations

Speaking affirmations out loud can help reinforce them in your mind and body. Speak the affirmations out loud while looking in the mirror for added effectiveness.

Visualizing affirmations

Visualizing affirmations in your mind can help create a powerful connection between your thoughts and your body. Close your eyes and visualize the affirmations as if they are already true.

How To Reduce Puffiness With 111 Powerful Affirmations

These affirmations are very specific and they will help program your mind to believe and also adopt behavioural and lifestyle changes to help reduce puffiness. You can repeat these every day by dividing into multiple sets or you can listen to the subliminal for reducing puffiness.

  1. My face is naturally slim and healthy.
  2. My lymphatic system is working perfectly, draining any excess fluid from my face.
  3. I love the way my face looks and feels.
  4. I am always well hydrated, which keeps my skin glowing and healthy.
  5. I eat plenty of potassium-rich foods to maintain a healthy balance in my body.
  6. My face naturally stays tight and youthful.
  7. I am confident and beautiful, inside and out.
  8. My face radiates health and vitality.
  9. I nourish my body with healthy foods that support my overall health.
  10. I am always waking up with the most beautiful chiseled glowing face and a fit healthy body.
  11. Every morning, I wake up to a beautifully chiseled face and a body that radiates health and strength.
  12. My face is chiseled to perfection, and my body is toned and fit, giving me the confidence to take on the day.
  13. I feel blessed to wake up every morning with a chiseled, sculpted face and a body that is a testament to my hard work and dedication.
  14. Each day, I wake up to a face that is chiseled to perfection and a body that is healthy and strong, ready to conquer any challenge.
  15. My face is a work of art, chiseled to perfection, and my body is a reflection of the dedication and discipline that I embody.
  16. I am grateful for my chiseled face and toned body, which serve as a daily reminder of the strength and beauty that lies within me.
  17. Each morning, I wake up with a beautifully chiseled face and a body that exudes confidence and vitality, inspiring me to live my best life.
  18. My chiseled face and fit body are a representation of the power of hard work and self-care, and I wake up each day feeling grateful and motivated.
  19. I am proud of my chiseled, sculpted face and strong, toned body, which serve as a constant reminder of the incredible things I can achieve and manifest when I put my mind to it.
  20. My face looks and feels amazing every day.
  21. I take good care of my skin and it shows.
  22. My face and body is always healthy, fit, toxin-free and full of liveliness.
  23. I am grateful for my naturally beautiful face.
  24. I always have a toned face, even when I wake up in the morning.
  25. I take care of my health; that’s why my body is naturally keeping my face toned.
  26. My face is healthy, toned, and radiant.
  27. My body is perfectly balanced, which keeps my face looking its best.
  28. My face always looks fresh.
  29. My face and body is extremely toned and fit.
  30. I am beyond grateful for my body’s cleansing system to keep my body detoxed and healthy.
  31. My body and its system is always soothed and calm.
  32. I always intuitively know what to eat to help easy lymphatic drainage.
  33. I always choose to eat; naturally, that makes my face toned and look fresh.
  34. I love the way my face looks in the mirror every morning.
  35. I am always mindful of my hydration levels and keep myself well-hydrated throughout the day.
  36. I am naturally slim and healthy, inside and out.
  37. My face naturally maintains its youthful appearance.
  38. I am full of positive energy, which shows on my face.
  39. I take care of my lymphatic system to keep my face looking its best.
  40. My face is a reflection of my inner beauty and health.
  41. I love myself, and it shows in the way I care for my body.
  42. I am grateful for my healthy, glowing skin.
  43. My body is a perfect vessel for my beautiful spirit.
  44. My face is always looking and feeling its best.
  45. I make healthy choices that support my overall well-being.
  46. My face is a reflection of my positive mindset and healthy lifestyle.
  47. I am proud of my healthy, beautiful face.
  48. I am mindful of my body’s needs, and I respond with care and attention.
  49. My face is naturally toned and sculpted.
  50. I am always striving for optimal health and wellness.
  51. My body is a miraculous creation, and I honor it every day.
  52. I am grateful for my body’s ability to heal and regenerate.
  53. My face is a testament to my healthy lifestyle choices.
  54. I embrace my natural beauty and radiance.
  55. I take care of my body from the inside out.
  56. I am thankful for my body’s natural ability to detoxify and cleanse itself.
  57. My face is a reflection of my healthy habits and self-care practices.
  58. I am always learning and growing in my pursuit of optimal health.
  59. My face is naturally slim, toned, and radiant.
  60. I honor my body with healthy choices that keep me feeling great.
  61. My face is a testament to my healthy, balanced lifestyle.
  62. I am grateful for my body’s natural wisdom and intelligence.
  63. I am proud of my beautiful, healthy face.
  64. I take care of my skin with love and attention.
  65. My face is a reflection of my inner joy and peace.
  66. I am radiant and beautiful, inside and out.
  67. I am committed to reducing puffiness in my face.
  68. I love taking care of my lymphatic system.
  69. I am always hydrated, and my skin thanks me for it.
  70. I choose foods rich in potassium every day to nourish my body.
  71. My face is radiant and glowing.
  72. My skin is naturally tight and healthy.
  73. My lymphatic system flows freely and easily.
  74. I am thankful for my body’s natural ability to heal.
  75. I am kind to my body and it shows in my skin.
  76. My face is refreshed and energized.
  77. I am grateful for my body’s natural beauty.
  78. I prioritize my health and wellness every day.
  79. My skin is soft and supple.
  80. I am gentle with my face and give it the care it deserves.
  81. My lymphatic system is strong and healthy.
  82. I love nourishing my body with healthy foods.
  83. My face is naturally toned and youthful.
  84. I am patient and kind to my body as it heals.
  85. My skin is resilient and strong.
  86. I am grateful for the simple joys of self-care.
  87. My face is naturally vibrant and healthy.
  88. I give my lymphatic system the attention it deserves.
  89. I am always mindful of my body’s needs.
  90. My skin is naturally radiant and glowing.
  91. I am confident in my body’s ability to heal.
  92. I love taking care of my face and body, and seeing the results makes me very happy.
  93. My face is naturally slim and toned.
  94. I nourish my body with healthy, whole foods every day.
  95. My skin is naturally soft and supple.
  96. I am grateful for my body’s natural resilience.
  97. I prioritize rest and relaxation for optimal health.
  98. My face is naturally beautiful and unique.
  99. I embrace the natural changes and aging of my skin.
  100. I am grateful for my body’s natural processes.
  101. My lymphatic system is always flowing and healthy.
  102. I am committed to taking care of my skin every day.
  103. My face is naturally youthful and radiant.
  104. My skin is naturally clear and healthy.
  105. My lymphatic system is strong and efficient.
  106. I embrace the natural beauty of my face and skin.
  107. My face is naturally toned and lifted.
  108. I love nourishing my body with healthy, whole foods.
  109. My skin is naturally glowing and healthy.
  110. I am patient with my body as it heals and rejuvenates.
  111. My lymphatic system is always working to keep me healthy and beautiful.

Other natural ways to reduce puffiness

how to reduce puffiness naturally

In addition to affirmations, there are other natural ways to reduce puffiness. Here are some tips:

Drinking water

Drinking water can help reduce puffiness by flushing out excess fluid in the body.

Getting enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is important for reducing puffiness, as lack of sleep can contribute to fluid retention and inflammation.


Exercise can help reduce puffiness by promoting circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Eating healthy diet

Eating healthy diet can help reduce inflammation and promote overall health, which can help reduce puffiness.


Reducing puffiness naturally can be achieved through the power of affirmations, as well as other natural methods such as drinking water, getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating a healthy diet. By creating a daily routine for practicing affirmations and implementing other natural methods, you can reduce puffiness and improve your overall well-being.


Can affirmations really reduce puffiness or is it just a placebo effect?

While the science behind affirmations and puffiness reduction is not well understood, many people have reported positive results from practicing affirmations. Additionally, affirmations can have a placebo effect, which can still be effective in reducing puffiness.

How long it take to get results from affirmations for reducing puffiness?

The time it takes to for results to show from affirmations for reducing puffiness can vary and depends on the person and the severity of the condition. Consistency is key, so it is important to practice affirmations daily.

Can affirmations be used for reducing puffiness in other areas of the body?

Yes, affirmations can be used for reducing puffiness in other areas of the body just like the face. 

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