Why use clear skin affirmations and not just rely on skin care? because we all deserve glowing clear skin, skin that looks like it’s glowing because it’s covered in stardust! & you definitely deserve it effortlessly, that is why I am sharing 40 Magical Affirmations For Clear Skin and 25 awesome Self Love Affirmations to go with it.

As important as it is to do skin care and use skin care products that suit your skin, believing that your skin is amazing is also equally important. And that is why doing some affirmations for clear skin can help a lot. So I hope you’ll start to use these affirmations for clear skin and I really recommend using self-love affirmations with these clear skin affirmations because when in comes to manifesting clear skin using affirmations for clear skin or clear skin subliminal affirmations, self-love is very important in order to able to manifest long term results.

clear skin affirmations

Clear Skin Affirmations Are Waiting For You Right Here

  1. I wake up every day to the most beautiful clear skin
  2. I am happy and grateful for the amazing smooth skin I have
  3. My skin glows
  4. My skin is naturally healthy
  5. I feel blessed to have such amazing skin
  6. My skin is clean
  7. My skin is hydrated
  8. My skin feels soft
  9. My skin radiates the glow
  10. My skin is smooth
  11. My skin feels like it has been nourished with elixir from the heavens
  12. The stars and moon blesses my skin every night with all their essence
  13. My skin is as beautiful as a pearl
  14. My skin glows more and more with health
  15. I am really grateful for the amazing healthy skin I have
  16. Every time air touches my skin it blesses me with smooth soft skin
  17. Every time water touches my skin it blesses me with hydrated skin
  18. My skin naturally stays clean, clear, soft, smooth glowing, rosy, and plump
  19. Every time I eat fruits and drink water it blesses my skin with all the nourishment it has
  20. My skin is perfect and I am so grateful for everything my skin does for me
  21. My skin naturally glows
  22. My skin is effortlessly healthy, clear, and glowing
  23. My skin is beginning to look smoother.
  24. I only think positively about my skin.
  25. I choose to see my skin with love.
  26. I’m learning to love my skin.
  27. My skin is naturally clear.
  28. I eat foods that are healthy and whole.
  29. I already see my skin transforming.
  30. I am excited to see my skin clean and glowing.
  31. I trust the power of affirmations.
  32. My skin is clean and smooth.
  33. My skin is clearing up.
  34. My skin has a gorgeous natural glow.
  35. My skin feels supple and smooth.
  36. I love taking care of my skin.
  37. Everyone envies my clean and healthy skin.
  38. My skin is glowing with health.
  39. I am gentle with my skin.
  40. My skin compliments my beautiful body now.

Haven’t you already started to feel good? If you are feeling good about skin right this second then you’ve already started to manifest that magically glowing clear skin. But don’t just settle with just great skin, show yourself some more love by adapting these positive beliefs through positive self love affirmations. A remarkable thing about self love in spiritual journey is whatever you manifest for your self, be it qualities, beauty or personality attributes, they all manifest much faster when you are manifesting them from a place of self love.

But before we move on to self-love affirmations, let me share clear skin subliminal with you.

Clear Skin Subliminal Affirmations Audio

A subliminal audio can help these positive clear skin affirmations directly get to your subconscious mind faster than just repeating affirmations. Because when you are listening to clear skin subliminal affirmations, your conscious mind will not be able to hear and resist them.

Resistance created by the conscious mind is the main reason why it takes so much time for affirmations to start working. And if you’ll be using affirmations in the form of clear skin subliminal affirmation audio then they will work fast. But that doesn’t mean you have to use affirmations.

I’ll recommend you to read more about subliminals before starting to use them

Some useful resources on subliminal

This clear skin subliminal audio also contains a mini booster and some self love affirmations layered within the music.

How To Use Positive Affirmations For Clear Skin

There are 3 simple ways you can use affirmation to get clear skin. And it’s completely okay if you don’t see results within a few weeks of starting to use these clear skin affirmations. But if you are using clear skin subliminal affirmations then you might actually be able to notice results right after the 1st week of listening to the subliminal.

  • You can write 3 different affirmations every day out of all the 40 positive affirmations for clear skin. And continue to do it in cycles for at least 30 days.
  • Write all the 40 affirmations every day for 21 days and read them in your head as you are writing.
  • Record the affirmations in your own voice and make a subliminal out of the recording.

These 25 Self Love Affirmations Used In The Clear Skin Subliminal

  1. I love and appreciate my body
  2. The more I feel grateful the more I love my body the more it reflects that love back to me
  3. I look at my body and all can notice is how amazing and beautiful it is
  4. I feel more loving towards my body every second that passes
  5. My body is the beautiful vessel that contains the divine presence I am
  6. I feel loved by my body as I am loving it 
  7. I am allowing myself to release all the negativity around my body
  8. I release all the negative beliefs 
  9. I am feeling so much happier and more confident with how my body looks and feels
  10. I am able to feel my body accepting the love I have for my body
  11. I am ready to accept and allow positive thoughts and beliefs to enter all parts of my mind
  12. I am ready to accept the amazing positive changes in my body
  13. I am so happy for this amazing divine body 
  14. I easily convey my feeling and boundaries
  15. I respect myself
  16. I know my standards
  17. I take pride in being me
  18. I am someone who is rare and blessed with love
  19. I only allow people who respect me in my life
  20. I positively and lovingly enforce boundaries 
  21. Everyone who knows me respects me for who I am
  22. I am able to find and love my truth
  23. I am stronger than I’ve ever been
  24. I am grounded and my energy is connected to mother nature
  25. Nature and its energies keep me grounded and my roots are connected to mother nature and the universe

I’ll admit that these are not just self love affirmations but a lot more than that, they’ll help heal on spiritual level. But if you want more self love affirmations then you can find them here “Just Under 150 Self Love Affirmations That Are Guaranteed To Make Your Self-Esteem Soaring High” or you can listen to this “Glowing Like Star Dust Clear Skin Subliminal With Self Love | Gender-Neutral” which already has all the glowing skin and self love affirmations you’ve just read in form of audio subliminal. Happy manifesting!


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