Affirmations for confidence is essential for everyone, and everyone should actually sing themselves a few of these 40 confidence affirmations every day so that the oh-so-perfect social media people we see on daily basis on our feeds don’t affect our confidence as much. And the affirmations make it a lot easier for us to feel confident from within.

Affirmations For Confidence But More

These are not just self confidence affirmations but I wrote them in a way with so many feelings and I was channeling inspiration from the universe with intentions in my heart to infuse these affirmations with empowering energies. So that they become magically effective for everyone who reads them.

  1. I am training myself to feel confident within myself
  2. I am stunning and I know myself
  3. I am aware of myself and it makes me feel confident
  4. Self-awareness makes me stand out in the crowd of people
  5. I am always my best self 
  6. My confidence shines through my aura
  7. I appreciate all the best parts of my personality
  8. I am kind and humble and confident
  9. My humbleness compliments my confidence
  10. The more I interact with people the more I understand that they are all human just like me
  11. Everyone is equally human in this world and I feel comfortable as a human
  12. I am a valuable and important part of this beautiful  world
  13. I embrace my uniqueness and it makes me more confident
  14. My body language speaks confidence
  15. I love the way my confident self feels
  16. I am very happy with myself for being confident and happy
  17. I accept everything I am and acceptance makes me confident
  18. I understand my flaws and I am consciously improving them and that makes me confident
  19. This world is a beautiful place and I am part of this amazingly beautiful world
  20. I am comfortable with standing out 
  21. I am can protect and take care of myself
  22. I am enhancing my wittiness 
  23. I am very comfortable being myself
  24. I am always collected and calm
  25. I love sharing jokes and making people laugh
  26. I accept the fact that everyone can be different including myself
  27. I accept and admire my uniqueness and qualities
  28. I can confidently interact with everyone because I know I always get to learn amazing things
  29. I always walk with my chin up with confidence because I am comfortable and at peace within myself
  30. It’s ok if others glance at me when I enter a room because I radiate awesome energy full of confidence
  31. I am smart with my words
  32. I am a good communicator and I am always improving my communication skills because it makes me confident
  33. I am worth all the attention 
  34. I can easily take care of my appearance
  35. Being presentable adds to my confidence so much
  36. I can be polite and confident at the same time
  37. Confidence is natural for me
  38. Confidence comes easy to me
  39. I am releasing all the negativity I ever felt during social interactions
  40. I own and embrace my fun, silly, quirky self and feel confident in every aspect of my personality

Tips To Use Affirmations Effectively

The best way to use positive confidence affirmation is to repeat them aloud to yourself every day. But you can also take a specific time out of your day and light a candle or incense stick and then take a few deep breaths before starting to write these confidence affirmations as you feel them and believe them to be true. I am suggesting this because this method has worked instantaneously for me. Also, self-love helps a lot when it comes to confidence so you can try some self-love affirmations here “Just Under 150 Self Love Affirmations That Are Guaranteed To Make Your Self-Esteem Soaring High”

And if you want you can also listen to the confidence subliminal I made with all the confidence affirmations you have just finished reading as well as 25 self-love affirmations in it to make the subliminal so much more powerful. And if you are not sure between using Subliminal and Affirmations then click right here to understand the difference it makes.


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