Puppy eyes subliminal or puppy eyes affirmations are very easy and a great way to enhance that cute adorable puppy eyes look in the eyes. There are many actors and actresses who have the cutest puppy dog eye look and it makes them look so adorable. Right now the only actor that comes to my mind is Robert Downey Jr. and Shah Rukh Khan. And They always look so adorable.

These puppy eyes subliminal affirmations are just meant to firm your beliefs that your eyes and you can look just as adorable as a puppy dog if not more. So are you excited to try the puppy eyes subliminal?

puppy eyes subliminal

How To Use puppy eyes subliminal

It is very simple to use the puppy Eyes subliminal, you just have to listen to it as you are chilling or doing something you like. If it is possible you can also visualize yourself making that puppy eyes expression and being adorable in feeling adorable and amazing something inside.

You can also visit the subliminal YouTube Channel Of Loa Lab to try out more subliminals.

Here are more resources about subliminals

Even though subliminal are very easy to use and they work much better than affirmation, it is still important to understand what are Subliminals and how to use them. You don’t need to read them all to be able to use the puppy eyes subliminal but you can check them out in case you have any questions.

Affirmations For Adorable Eyes Like A Puppy

  1. I always find the puppy dog eyes so adorable and I am ready to manifest that in me 
  2. I am ready for this change in my beauty and in my eyes 
  3. Every time I am looking at a puppy dogs picture I am manifesting that puppy Eyes 
  4. I am ready to embrace the puppy Eyes 
  5. I am allowing my mind to be able to see the sparkling glow in my eyes 
  6. My eyes are becoming more like a mirror every day to resemble the pappy eye 
  7. My eyes are looking brighter Than ever 
  8. My eyes are now because than ever 
  9. Everyone is always going aww when they look at my eyes 
  10. Everyone also finds my eyes very adorable 
  11. I am so used to making the puppy eyes expression 
  12. The puppy eyes expression always comes naturally to me 
  13. My eyes are big beautiful and sparkling 
  14. Even with makeup, I always love to create the puppy look 
  15. It’s so easy for me to do the puppy eyeliner and it makes my eyes look like a puppy dog
  16. the shape of my eyes are also a lot looks like a puppy 
  17. I always enhance the round shape of my eyes with makeup
  18. My eyes are big and always overflowing with affection 
  19. I love how my eyes look and they look amazing they look so big and bright and innocent
  20. Whenever I look at a picture of a puppy I subconsciously feel that those eyes I just like mine 
  21. I am so happy and excited that I am ready to manifest the puppy eyes look 
  22. I am embodying the innocence of the puppies in my eyes 
  23. My eyes look so innocent 
  24. Every time I look in the mirror I find my eyes very adorable 
  25. Every time others see me they find my eyes beautiful and big like a puppy 
  26. My eyes are always overflowing with cuteness 
  27. In a sense and loyalty enter my soul and reflect through my eyes 
  28. My eyes look as cute and as beautiful and as adorable as a puppy 
  29. I’m so happy that my eyes are as I want them to be 
  30. I have really big innocent beautiful eyes that resemble puppy eyes 
  31. I am embracing the innocence of a puppy 
  32. My eyes always reflect the innocence of a cute puppy dog
  33. I am choosing to believe that the iris and pupil are big just like a puppy

You can also use the puppy eyes subliminal affirmations as is or you can also make your own subliminal using these affirmations but keep in mind that the formula used for making subliminal can also have an effect in the subliminal results. And let me know how you liked the idea of having puppy eyes and are you going to use this puppy eyes subliminal regularly or occasionally just for fun?


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