Why not use affirmations to improve how we smell? We tend to often use self-love affirmations, beauty affirmations, and even affirmations for health and detox as self-care affirmations. Then why not affirm to improve hygiene and always smell good. So keeping that the summers are here, I thought why not write affirmations for summers. And what could be better than always smelling fresh and good in the heat of summers?

I’ve divided these Self Care affirmations into 3 different categories, and each focused on a different aspect. Such as hygiene, natural scent, and smell good habits.

Hygiene Habit Self Care Affirmations

  1. I love taking care of my body and I always keep it clean
  2. I can always feel it when my body wants me to take a shower
  3. I really enjoy taking baths and showers
  4. I always brush my teeth really well until my mouth feels fresh
  5. I love washing myself
  6. I am so into oral hygiene
  7. I really enjoy the freshness after a thorough cleansing session
  8. I love the feeling of fresh smooth hydrated skin
  9. I am kind of obsessed with always smelling clean and fresh so I really make sure I am clean
  10. Cleaning my body is also an essential way for me to show love to myself
  11. I regularly scrub and keep dead skin away so there’s barely anything for bacteria

Pleasing Natural Scent Affirmations

  1. I naturally smell good because my body scent is always coming through more
  2. I keep myself free from bacteria thus I always smell great naturally
  3. I always drink plenty of water that keeps my natural scent ideal
  4. I enjoy eating fruits and vegetables full of anti-oxidants
  5. I really like citrus fruits as they help my body detox and in return, I always smell naturally good
  6. I also enjoy herbs such as mint and funnel in my water and tea because they are full of micronutrients and anti-oxidants and help me smell good
  7. I always stay away from pungent foods like garlic, onion, etc
  8. I enjoy water-rich fruits and veggies and the best part is they help me smell great
  9. My body’s natural detoxification system helps me always smell good
  10. I also include sweat reducing foods like watermelon, grapes, bell peppers, spinach, green tea in my diet
  11. I always stay hydrated

Affirmations For Smell Good Habits

  1. I naturally smell good because my body scent is always coming through more
  2. I keep myself free from bacteria thus I always smell great naturally
  3. I always drink plenty of water that keeps my natural scent ideal
  4. I enjoy eating fruits and vegetables full of anti-oxidants
  5. I really like citrus fruits as they help my body detox and in return, I always smell naturally good
  6. I also enjoy herbs such as mint and funnel in my water and tea because they are full of micronutrients and anti-oxidants and help me smell good
  7. I always stay away from pungent foods like garlic, onion, etc
  8. I enjoy water-rich fruits and veggies and the best part is they help me smell great
  9. My body’s natural detoxification system helps me always smell good
  10. I also include sweat reducing foods like watermelon, grapes, bell peppers, spinach, green tea in my diet
  11. I always stay hydrated

If you prefer subliminal over affirmations then you listen to the subliminal with the same affirmations in the Loa Lab YouTube Channel.


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