What if we did affirmations for law of attraction? We do affirmations to manifest so many things but not many are using affirmations to firm their belief. Think about it, if you believe that the law of Attraction is working then the Law of Attraction is going to work because that’s the main principle on which the law of attraction works.

Affirmations For Law Of Attraction

So, if you will do affirmations for Law of Attraction then you will actually be intensifying the results. The thing about the manifestation is that when you focus on manifesting something and in your heart you are not able to believe that the Law of Attraction is working for you then it will shift to a game of probability. And that is why when you are doing affirmations for Law of Attraction you will increase your probability of manifesting and every time you manifest something, your faith will intensify.

Now let’s first take you to the affirmations for Law of Attraction then we will dive deeper into how these affirmations for Law of Attraction are going to help you really take advantage of the LOA.

Affirmations For Law Of Attraction

  1. I am manifesting everything right now effortlessly and magically
  2. I believe in my ability to manifest anything I want 
  3. There is no difference between my desires and my reality 
  4. I am living my dreams right now because I am deciding to make them my reality 
  5. Law of Attraction works and I witness it every single day 
  6. Miracles are happening every day and I am opening my eyes and heart to the them 
  7. The moment I Desire something with all my heart Universe decides to bring it to me 
  8. I feel peaceful knowing that the universe is always supporting me to manifest my dreams 
  9. Everything starts to feel so easy and smooth the moment I let the universe take care of everything 
  10. I am opening my mind and letting go of my ego right at this moment 
  11. Trusting the universe is making my life so much easier 
  12. I feel grateful because anyhow everything works out 
  13. I am pledging to let go and trust the universe and work on the things right in front of me 
  14. I am a creator of my life and I am co-creating this life with the universe 
  15. I am opening my mind to believe in the miracles of this vast universe I’m living in 
  16. I am just going to let go and do what feels best for me and just that universe will take care of everything 
  17. Right at this moment, I am deciding to be the best and happiest version of myself 
  18. At this moment I decided to believe that everything that is happening is for my best 
  19. I am allowing myself to trust in the law of attraction in the powerful forces of this universe 
  20. Is a part of the Universe within me and whenever I meditate I can feel the connection and it is empowering to understand
  21. I am grateful and I feel blessed that I got this opportunity to make meaningful contributions to this world and I am always being rewarded by the universe for this

How Affirmations For Law Of Attraction can help you take advantage of LOA

Now let’s understand that how affirmations for Law of Attraction can help you manifest easier and faster.

You have just read all the affirmations for law of attraction and you must have noticed that all the affirmations are made in a way that induces positive feelings and automatically helps you let go of the doubts. And when you want to manifest something the first thing you need to do is let go of doubts and fears.

What we focus on intensifies, and when you are focusing on manifesting something, it is more likely that your mind will trick you to focus on the feelings that are telling you the Law Of Attraction Is Fake Or A Lie. And on the contrary, you are able to see that the Law of Attraction really works and you have manifested things you wanted so many times. And this is when these affirmations for Law of Attraction is going to help you.

And it is entirely okay to have some skepticism but having doubts about the things you already have done in the past or having doubts about the abilities that you have seen in yourself is not okay. And the truth is as much as the universe helps us manifest something we are also part of the creation process. And when you will repeat the affirmations just like the affirmations for Law of Attraction mentioned above that can help you tap into that positive energy and help you believe in yourself the manifestation will become really easy. And that flow and easiness will actually enable you to take advantage of the LOA.

How to use law of attraction affirmations

  • You can use these affirmations for Law of Attraction by making a subliminal out of them, if you don’t know what a subliminal is then you can check out this article right here.
  • Apart from Subliminals you can record these affirmations for Law of Attraction in your own voice and listen to them every night before you go to bed.
  • Another way you can use these affirmations for law of attraction is by simply writing them down every time you are feeling emotions such as doubt, fear, or restlessness.

If you are interested in listening to more subliminal then you can check out the Loa Lab YouTube playlist right here.

And Lastly,

If you’ve been noticing other people experiencing that the law of Attraction is not working for them, and they are not open-minded enough towards the law of attraction, manifestation, or their own power and abilities. And those things are influencing your mind then these affirmations for Law of Attraction are going to come in very handy for you.


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