Law of Attraction is not new at all and many people try to use law of attraction without really knowing how Law of Attraction can be used or how to use law of attraction. In this article, I am trying to simplify how to use law of attraction for any desire you want to manifest in your life. Even those who know how Law of Attraction works they still make many mistakes. In this article addressing all those mistakes with the solution or the suggestion that should be kept in mind while applying the law of attraction manifestation method or techniques, anything. I read so many blogs and I watch so many videos from the law of attraction Gurus and coaches but detail the same thing over and over again but many of them don’t even know what they are talking about. We got to know about the Law of Attraction just recently, a few years back but the Law of Attraction is there since the Asian Times. Back then it was not known as the Law of Attraction maybe because no one really paid attention to what the Law of Attraction is and what they are already doing is something that we can call Law of Attraction or this is something everybody can use and benefit from. So essentially Law of Attraction is we get or receive what we want if we focus on what we want or we get what we think about the most but it’s not true at all.

Essentially Law of Attraction is we get or receive what we want if we focus on what we want or we get what we think about the most but it’s not true at all.

By the end of this blog, you will know exactly how to use law of attraction and how Law of Attraction manifestation is worked for how you can make the Law of Attraction work for you.

Know the difference between your desire and what you really want to manifest:

First and foremost the important step is the clarity of mind, once your head is clear and you really know what you actually want to manifest and what you don’t want to manifest. By this, I mean that you need to understand that you are not trying to manifest a solution. Free example a few days back in my Instagram DM. So let’s call this girl “A” who sent me the Instagram DM and let’s call her boyfriend “E” and there is one other girl involved and let’s call her the girl “B”. Now the girl “B” is trying to convince E to marry her but he is in a relationship with girl A and he is explaining everything to his girlfriend “A” that he is trying to convince him to marry her and leave the girlfriend. So that was the problem and girl “A” a was trying to manifest that the girl “B” leaves them alone so she wanted her to vanish from their life but she was constantly paying attention to that girl “B” and kept giving her energy and kept thinking about her and how she is in between the relationship and creating problems and trying to convince his boyfriend to leave her and all that jazz. Now in this situation, the girl needs clarity of mind so she can decide what she actually wants to manifest.

Here, what I am trying to explain is your desire can be a little different from what you want to manifest and what you need to manifest or what you should be manifesting actually. According to the situation, the girl actually wants to manifest a good beautiful relationship between her and her boyfriend but her entire focus is on the other girl who’s trying to come in between them. This is just an example and it shows how important it is to know the difference between what you actually want to manifest and what your current situation or Desire is and how you can manifest what you really want in your life.

Your desire can be a little different from what you want to manifest and what you need to manifest.

Focus your thoughts according to your manifestation intentions:

Focus is very important in the law of attraction, and when you have set the intention to manifest something in your life you need to direct all your focus towards that set intention. Once you know your goal and you set the intention to achieve it and manifest it in your life then the only thing that’s left is your focus. Let’s try to understand this with an example, now set a two-minute timer and take a good look around wherever you are right now and count all the objects in brown color. After timmer is over close your eyes and visualize each object and recall each item you noticed and ready the next paragraph after doing this task.

Now assuming you have counted all the brown objects in that room or place. Close your eyes and recall how many white color objects are there without taking any peak at all, no cheating, please. I assume you must not have noticed an object with white color or maybe one or two but not all the objects in the room. So this is the goal you have to focus on what you are manifesting and not and not on anything else. Usually, our brain focuses more on the things we are told to focus on or what we decided to focus on or what’s in front of us. So if our current situation is not what we want it to be our brain will still be focusing on that negative situation or the situation you don’t want to be in. So it will be a slightly difficult to shift your focus and think about the things or focus on the things that you want to achieve and feel that you already have them or its destined to come true for you.

Once you know your goal and you set the intention to achieve it and manifest it in your life then the only thing that’s left is your focus.

Use any Law of Attraction technique that suits you the most:

Now so many law of attraction manifestation techniques is out there, that it can be very confusing. What to do and what not to do. This is not something you should feel confused about because you only need to follow one manifestation technique for all your desires or anything you want to manifest. It can be daily affirmations, visualization techniques or scripting, or maintaining a gratitude journal. You only need to do one Law of Attraction technique at a time you don’t have to rush you don’t have to feel overwhelmed to use many law of attraction techniques for keep switching Law of Attraction technique for the same Desire you want to manifest.

Direct all your actions towards the desire you are manifesting:

Once you start using law of attraction to manifest a Desire, you will start to feel more and more inspired every day and once you start feeling inspired, focus all that energy and start taking inspired actions to achieve your desire. Law of Attraction never says that you can manifest anything without taking any action but when you apply Law of Attraction the actions you will be taking will become more impactful.

Focus all that energy and start taking inspired actions to achieve your desire.


Following all these steps will lead you to a specific type of feeling and that feeling is the feeling you get in your gut. It’s the same feeling as when you feel like something is about to happen, something good is about to happen. You need to feel that same kind of feeling in your gut that what you want is actually happening or is going to happen, you just blink and it will happen, there is nothing that’s going to stop your desire from manifesting in your reality.

You need to feel that same kind of feeling in your gut that what you want is actually happening.


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