Career affirmations because people have jobs and not everyone has a career. I’ve see so many shorts and videos of clinical psychologist & author Jordan Peterson repeating that not everybody has a career that it really made me think about the difference between a job and having a career.

There’s a huge difference between working a job and having an exceptional career. So, I decided to work on creating a list of short positive affirmations for career success for you. But before we get to the career affirmations you need to understand what having a career means and what a successful career will look like for you. Because you can’t really manifest if you don’t know what it looks like to have it.

What it means to have a successful career?

To have a career means to be at the top of your domain and have the exceptional status in your niche. Let’s say If you’re pursuing a career as a scientist then to have a successful career you’ll need to be smart, hardworking, probably diligently and smartly work 80-70 hours a week. That’s all just for the probability to put you 30 years ahead from your peers.

Having a successful career is going to take dedication, sacrifices, motivation and zeal to leave everything and everyone behind.

Now, this leads us to why you need career affirmation if you have to do so much to have a career?

The Need OF Affirmations For Career?

It is easy to give up when the motivation and inspiration to have a successful career is surface level. And affirmations make our life smooth because no matter what comes if your mind is strong then no one can stop you from getting what you want. Especially some random inconveniences!

So if you have set your mind to manifest and achieve exceptional career and status then positive career affirmations are the fuel that you need to help you keep going

List Of Career Affirmations

  1. I am focused and Unstoppable
  2. I am fiercely focused on my career
  3. I am ready to have the most outstanding career
  4. I am rooting for myself to have the greatest career of all time
  5. I am determined to achieve this exceptional status I envisioned for myself
  6. I am motivated by the drive to achieve the most successful career
  7. I am inspired to have the most exceptional career of all time
  8. I am moved by the vision of achieving the most extraordinary status in my career
  9. I believe in my remarkable ability to achieve what I Desire
  10. I am determined to achieve the greatest and most successful career
  11. I have a vision and I am going to convert my vision into reality
  12. My words are my power and my thoughts are ideas to achieve what I Desire
  13. I am ready to put all my energy toward my dream career
  14. I am ready for the exceptional career
  15. I am ready and determined to achieve that exceptional status in my career
  16. I can Crush every challenge with ease
  17. I choose to work smart and hard because that’s what going to put me forward and above
  18. I am ready to accomplish in 5 years what an average person can accomplish in 30 years
  19. I know my worth and I believe in myself, my ideas and vision
  20. My belief in my vision is the only thing that’s real
  21. I am putting in the hard work smartly
  22. I believe in working hard very smartly
  23. I am going to work even harder and smarter after achieving success
  24. I am ready to come through shining out of every challenge
  25. My determination is untouchable
  26. I am continuing to work on myself and my mind
  27. I understand the value of continuous growth
  28. I am exceptionally great at what I do and I am still going to improve
  29. I am always feeding my mind with positive thoughts about my career
  30. I can only think about the positives of focusing on my career

You can read these career affirmations daily and if you don’t want to read affirmations daily then you can still benefit from them, here’s how:

If you are familiar with using subliminal then you can also listen to this subliminal made using the career affirmations you’ve just read plus booster. And if not then you can learn what is subliminal here.

Alternatively you can also record and listen to these positive career success affirmations.

You can also find more subliminals on Loa Lab YouTube Channel.


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