What Staying In High Vibration Frequency Can Actually Do For You

There is so much that doesn’t belong in our lives, one of them is stress. Stress is one of the things that put us in the low vibrational frequency and when we talk about the Law of Attraction or manifestation, the first thing we want to get rid of is the low vibrational frequency.

Vibrational frequency is where all the magic happens. As cliché as it sounds but vibrational frequency or the things we feel on a daily basis are actually what makes things manifest. Several days ago I came across a social media post and the post said something like, it will be easy to spot a red car when you are always thinking about a red card similarly it will be easy to spot opportunities when you are thinking about opportunities, and easy to spot reasons to get angry when you are already mad.

It actually makes perfect sense that it will be so much easier to find happiness if you are thinking about being happy and focusing on the feeling of happiness and contentment. That’s what high vibrational frequency is all about. Now that we have understood what high vibrational frequency is and how it helps us to manifest the things we want let’s move on to practically implementing the high vibrational frequency feeling in our day-to-day life.

It is easy to spot reasons to get angry when you are already mad. It actually makes perfect sense that it will be so much easier to find happiness if you are thinking about being happy

Techniques To Always Stay In High Vibration

Many of you already understand the power of mindfulness and having grateful thoughts on your mind can definitely contribute to being on high vibrational frequency the majority of the time during your day. If you haven’t yet tried mindfulness meditation and making gratitude journaling your habit then you should definitely try it and experience it by yourself to see the difference it makes.

But I am not going to talk about those cliché methods we have all been hearing all around the internet but I will be talking about the less talked about key methods or ways to keep that high vibrational frequency consistent and flowing within you.

These 3 Key methods can be applied right now and the results can be seen instantly. The actual secret of happiness and high vibrational frequency emotions is in the simplicity and how easy it is to apply all of these in your day-to-day life. The second one is actually one of the best of all three because it will take off the weight from your mind and release all the resistance associated with the high vibrational frequency.

The actual secret of happiness and high vibrational frequency emotions is in the simplicity.

1. Understand and validate

The relationship with yourself, with other people, and with materialistic things. Relationship with everything is an essential part of the emotions we feel, if our relationship is not going well with yourself or with someone else, with many people around you or with the things you own or Desire then you are going to feel those emotions and most likely those emotions are going to be of low vibrational frequency.

Starting to understand and validate those relationships and the emotions associated with those relationships you can actually reframe those very relationships but you have to start from the first element and that is your relationship with yourself if you are not happy with yourself if you don’t feel good about yourself then it will start to show in every area of your life.

As simple as it sounds, you can start by eliminating all the means of self-talk because of all the mean things you have been saying to yourself you will never say it to somebody you love. Then you can move on to improve your relationship with food or with anything you have been struggling to have a good relationship with, it can be money, books, mirror. By the way, the mirror also represents the self-image.

If you spend too much time standing in front of a mirror or you never like to check out yourself in the mirror, both of these scenarios are unhealthy. How you spend your money also represents your relationship with money and how you think about money also says a lot about your relationship with money. You can easily assess these things and work on them. It will help you reframe the relationship and the emotions associated with them. This all will tie together to increase the high vibrational frequency emotions you feel around those relationships.

As simple as it sounds, you can start by eliminating all the means self-talk because of all the mean things you have been saying to yourself you will never say it to somebody you love.

2. Let It Rain

This simply means that your emotions flow Bay at low vibrational high vibrational anything but don’t get stuck. There was a line I saw when I was playing a game called Myoasis or something and it goes like this “sunshine all the time creates a desert”. This is so simple but it says a lot.

This line immediately made me think how deep and how true it is. Even though so many law of attraction Gurus or self-help gurus are telling you how you should always focus on staying happy and positive and all that good stuff all the time. You don’t need to feel happy all the time, certainly, there will be times when you feel angry and that anger is definitely justified and you will need to express that anger but the Key here is to know when that anger is required.

Anger is definitely considered a low vibrational frequency emotion. There will be certain times when you feel sad but it’s your responsibility to not let the sadness take over your life you can definitely feel and Express that sadness. It’s your right to feel everything but letting those emotions control you or control your life is going to drag you down to a low vibrational frequency. So if you want to always stay in high vibrational frequency then take inspiration from mother nature and Let It Rain from time to time but just enough to help you grow.

“Sunshine all the time creates a desert”. This is so simple but it says a lot.

3. Find Your Zone Of Purpose

This purpose can be anything, literally anything you feel passionate about. Having a direction or a goal in life can have a huge impact on your vibrational frequency. If you are doing things without passion and without a sense of purpose you will always feel burdened and emotionally drained and that’s not how you want to feel if you want to stay consistently on high vibrational frequency.

Now you may ask how I will find the zone of purpose, and it is actually easier than you might think but it is definitely a lot more than exploring your hobbies and passion about your hobbies. The zone of purpose also means you will enjoy spending your time working on those things with inspiration and passion and happiness.

I think I am getting too spiritual with my words here but here is an example, we are living in 2021 and we all know how hard doctors in people in the medical field are working and so many of them are working tirelessly with passion because they have made it their life purpose to save other people’s lives, we can see how difficult it can get but they show up with same passion and inspiration despite everything they go through because they are in their zone of purpose.

Being in the zone of purpose will keep you going and it is definitely going to reflect in your vibrations.

If you are doing things without passion and without a sense of purpose you will always feel burdened and emotionally drained and that’s not how you want to feel.


You don’t need to stress about anything, all the things that matter to you will eventually come to you because the universe is always on your side. All you need is to focus on the good aspects of things and it will start to reflect in your emotions. After applying these 3 Key methods for the high vibrational frequency you will definitely start to experience wonderful changes in yourself and in your energy, your environment.

But you will have to actually integrate these things in your mindset to really experience a long-term effect. If are going to work on these for let’s say 3 days then you’ll experience its effect for 3 or a few more days. Let me know if you are going to integrate these key methods in your life to shift your vibrations to high frequency or are you just going to go to your fridge and grab a snack thinking about your relationship with food? I am definitely curious.

You don’t need to stress about anything, all the things that matter to you will eventually come to you because the universe is always on your side.


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